We investigated how neural activity in the middle temporal area of the
macaque monkey changes after three seconds of exposure to a visual stimulus and
used this to gain insight into the assumptions underlying the fMRI adaptation
method (fMRIa). We studied both changes in tuning curves following weak and
strong motion stimuli (adaptation) and the differences between a first and
second exposure to the same stimulus (repetition suppression). Typically, tuning
curves had smaller amplitudes and narrower tuning widths after strong
adaptation; this was true for single neurons, multi-unit activity, the evoked
local field potential (LFP), as well as gamma band activity. Repetition
typically led to reduced responses. This reduction was correlated with direction
selectivity and not explained by neural fatigue.
Our data, however, warn against a simplistic view of the consequences of
adaptation. First, a considerable fraction of neurons and sites showed response
enhancements after adaptation, especially when probed with a stimulus that moved
opposite to the direction of the adapting stimulus. Second, adaptation was
stimulus selective only on a time scale of ~100 ms. Third, aggregate measures of
neural activity (multi-unit activity, local field potentials) had substantially
different adaptation effects. Fourth, there were qualitative differences between
our findings in MT and earlier findings in IT cortex.
We conclude that selective adaptation effects in fMRIa are relatively
easy to miss even when they exist (for instance by presenting stimuli for too
long, or because neurons that enhance after adaptation cancel out the effect of
neurons that suppress). Moreover, we argue that adaptation should be understood
in the context of the computations that a neural circuit perform. Using fMRIa as
a tool to uncover neural selectivity requires a better understanding of this
circuitry and its consequences for adaptation.