In this paper, the effect of overtaking disturbances has been estimated on the propagation of cylindrical imploding strong shock wave in a real dusty gas. It is assumed that the dusty gas is the mixture of a real gas and a large number of small spherical solid particles of uniform size. Considering the exponential varying initial density distribution, analytical expressions for shock strength and shock velocity immediately behind the shock have been derived for freely as well as under the influence of overtaking waves. The modified expressions for the non-dimensional pressure and flow velocity have also been obtained. The variations of all the flow variables have been computed and discussed through graphs. It is observed that the presence of dust particles has a significant role in the shock wave propagation and the shock is strengthened, as the non-idealness (realness) of the gases mixture increases. Finally the results obtained here are compared with earlier results as well as those for ideal dusty gas having uniform initial density distribution. Keywords: Effect of overtaking disturbances, CCW, dusty, imploding, real gas, shock.
I. INTRODUCTIONPropagation of shock wave in a dusty gas has received considerable attention due to its application to space science, bomb blast, lunar ash flow, coal mine explosions, nozzle flow, missiles and other engineering problems. Severalauthors (Carrier solution in dusty ideal gashaving exponentially varying initial density distribution, using a non-similarity method and obtained that the presence of small spherical dust particles in the gaseous medium has significant effects on the variation of shock strength and other flow variables. Vishwakarma and Nath [11] have found the self-similar solution of the problem of exponential shock in a dusty gas. Propagation of shock wave in a mixture of ideal gas and small dust particles with radiation heat flux and exponentially varying density has been investigated by Vishwakarmaet. al.[12] using similarity method. Using CCW method, Yadav et al. [13] have explored the problem of propagation of weak cylindrical shock in the mixture of ideal gas and dust particle in presence of constant axial magnetic field. Singh and Gogoi [14] have use the equation of state for non-ideal gases simplified by Anisimov and Spiner [15], to study the propagation of spherical shock wave in the mixture of non-ideal gas and dust particles by similarity solutions. Recently, the effect of self-gravitation on the propagation of cylindrical imploding strong shock wave in dusty ideal gas is analysed by using CCW method by Deepak et. al.[16]. Neglecting the effect of overtaking disturbances, Prakashet. al. [17] have investigated the problem of shock wave propagation in a real gas having uniform initial density distribution. Very recently, Gangwar [18] has studied theoretically the effect of overtaking disturbances on adiabatic propagation of cylindrical strong shock waves in mixture of small spherical inert dust particles and a real gas having power varying i...