With developments of nano uidics, understanding the behavior of uids con ned in nanospaces becomes important. Particle tracking is an e cient approach, but in nanospaces, it often suffers from the nite temporal resolution causing the Brownian displacement of nanoparticles and the nite spatial resolution due to the decreased signal-to-noise ratio of nanoparticle images, both of which are factors that can cause artifacts. Therefore, in the present study, we simulated nanoparticle tracking velocimetry based on the particle dynamics given by the Langevin equation to evaluate the artifacts. The results revealed that for measurement of the velocity distribution of pressure-driven ow in a 400 nm nanochannel utilizing 60 nm tracer nanoparticles, high-speed (temporal resolution: Δt ≤ 360 µs) and super-resolution (spatial resolution: Δz ≤ 25 nm) measurement is required for errors less than 10%, while insu cient resolution causes an artifact that results in a attened velocity distribution compared with the original ow pro le. The proposed resolutions were experimentally veri ed by defocusing nanoparticle tracking velocimetry developed by our group. As the simulation predicted, at longer temporal resolution and larger spatial resolution, the measured nanoparticle velocity distribution in the nanochannel indicated a parabolic ow pro le but became attened because of the artifacts. In contrast, at measurement resolutions within the proposed range, the velocity distribution close to the pro le given by the Hagen-Poiseuille equation, which was considered to be the actual ow pro le, was successfully obtained. This work provides a guideline for nanoscale ow measurements and will accelerate the understanding of speci c transport phenomena in nanospaces.
Con icts of interestThere are no con icts of interest to declare.