This study proposes a three-dimensional (3-D) absolute attitude reconstruction algorithm of a rigid body target based on multi-station high-resolution range profile (HRRP) sequences. The existing 3-D reconstruction algorithms rely on the target motion form and the reconstructed attitude is inaccurate due to the mismatch of the micro-motion model. In this study, the coordinates of the scattering centers are first calculated from the HRRP sequences of each radar using the factorization method. Then, the multistation data are associated with the reconstructed scattering center coordinates, and the absolute coordinates is estimated by the relationship between the associated radar line-of-sights (LOSs) and the absolute LOSs. The 3-D reconstruction algorithms for the stable scattering centers and the sliding scattering centers are studied. Numerical simulations verify that the proposed algorithm can reconstruct the 3-D absolute attitude of a rigid body target and is not affected by the mismatch of the target micro-motion model.
INDEX TERMSAbsolute attitude, reconstruction before association, factorization method, singular value decomposition (SVD) method.