<p>The possibility of
creating vacuum robotics based on the polymer structures irradiated by an
electron beam, in particular, polymer fibers, which provide high functional
flexibility and a variety of states, is discussed. The possibility of using
polymer fibers as different types of MEMS-like electromechanical elements is
demonstrated - from elastic cantilevers to springs that change their state
under the electron beam. Experimentally proved the presence of different
functional types of fibers, correlating with their thickness, as well as the
phenomenon of the fiber break. A number of exotic forms of dynamics have been
demonstrated and a method for their detection has been developed using 2D
Fourier spectra, integral spatial characteristics, time rsolved correlograms
and wavelet transforms (visualized as the scaleograms / scalograms). Access barcodes
for the full video records of the corresponding experiments are provided.</p>