We perform a refined count of BPS states in the compactification of Mtheory on K3 × T 2 , keeping track of the information provided by both the SU (2) L and SU (2) R angular momenta in the SO(4) little group. Mathematically, this four variable counting function may be expressed via the motivic Donaldson-Thomas counts of K3 × T 2 , simultaneously refining Katz, Klemm, and Pandharipande's motivic stable pairs counts on K3 and Oberdieck-Pandharipande's Gromov-Witten counts on K3 × T 2 . This provides the first full answer for motivic curve counts of a compact Calabi-Yau threefold. Along the way, we develop a Hodge-elliptic genus for Calabi-Yau manifolds -a new counting function for BPS states that interpolates between the Hodge polynomial and the elliptic genus of a Calabi-Yau.