Twenty or thirty years ago the serve in a tennis game was used only to put the ball in play and not to gain points. Therefore, serve practicing was significantly reduced. Over time, there have been trainers and players who overseen solutions in order to increase the serve efficiency: using particular effects to misguide the opponent; growing the serve hitting power expecting to get direct points (aces); net attack in order to finalize the action by a volley or smash; expanding the serve practice. Nowadays, as technique, methodology and equipment have improved, the old role of the serve is surpassed, today being considered to be a winner includes incorporately the basic hits category. Improving the basic technical elements, serve included, is a key to the whole preparation process, and has great influence over the players' success rate in training and competitions. The methodology of improving basic elements must be part of the training, an essential condition of the game, which cannot be substituted by any other technique or tactics. In today's tennis, one can win direct points in a game if the serve is efficient. In children, in order to become effective, the serve must be improved step by step, using technical procedures.