A theory of cortical function is proposed, based on a family of recurrent neural circuits, called OR-GaNICs (Oscillatory Recurrent GAted Neural Integrator Circuits). Here, the theory is applied to working memory and motor control. Working memory is a cognitive process for temporarily maintaining and manipulating information. Most empirical neuroscience research on working memory has measured sustained activity during delayed-response tasks, and most models of working memory are designed to explain sustained activity. But this focus on sustained activity (i.e., maintenance) ignores manipulation, and there are a variety of experimental results that are difficult to reconcile with sustained activity. OR-GaNICs can be used to explain the complex dynamics of activity, and ORGaNICs can be use to manipulate (as well as maintain) information during a working memory task. The theory provides a means for reading out information from the dynamically varying responses at any point in time, in spite of the complex dynamics. When applied to motor systems, ORGaNICs can be used to convert spatial patterns of premotor activity to temporal profiles of motor control activity: different spatial patterns of premotor activity evoke different motor control dynamics. ORGaNICs offer a novel conceptual framework; Rethinking cortical computation in these terms should have widespread implications, motivating a variety of experiments.! 1 December 25, 2018 ing active only transiently (20-25), or they exhibit complex dynamics during the delay periods (25-31), not just constant, sustained activity. Second, complex dynamics (including oscillations) are evident also in the synchronous activity (e.g., as measured with local field potentials) of populations of neurons (32, 33). Third, some of the same neurons exhibit activity that is dependent on task demands (34-37). Fourth, some of these neurons appear to contribute to different cognitive processes (controlling attention, decision making, , motor control), in addition to working memory, either for different tasks or during different phases of task execution over time (38)(39)(40)(41)(42).
ORGaNICsLong Short Term Memory units (LSTMs) are machine learning (ML) / artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms that are capable of representing and manipulating long-term dependencies (43), in a manner that is analogous to the concept of working memory in psychology. LSTMs are a class of recurrent neural networks (RNNs). A number of variants of the basic LSTM architecture have been developed and tested for a variety of AI applications including language modeling, neural machine translation, and speech recognition (44)(45)(46)(47)(48)(49)(50)(51)(52). (See also: http://colah.github.io/posts/2015-08-Understanding-LSTMs/ and http://karpathy.github.io/2015/05/21/rnn-effectiveness/.) In these and other tasks, the input stimuli contain information across multiple timescales, but the ongoing presentation of stimuli makes it difficult to correctly combine that information over time (53,54). An LSTM handles this pr...