The crossover from an exciton gas to an electron-hole plasma is studied in a GaN/(Al,Ga)N single quantum well by means of combined time-resolved and continuous-wave photoluminescence measurements. The twodimensional Mott transition is found to be of continuous type and to be accompanied by a characteristic modification of the quantum well emission spectrum. Beyond the critical density, the latter is strongly influenced by band-gap renormalization and Fermi filling of continuum states. Owing to the large binding energy of excitons in III-nitride heterostructures, their injection-induced dissociation could be tracked over a wide range of temperatures, i.e., from 4 to 150 K. Various criteria defining the Mott transition are examined, which, however, do not lead to any clear trend with rising temperature: the critical carrier density remains invariant around 10 12 cm −2 . At sufficiently low temperature T and carrier density n, free electrons and holes in a semiconductor bind and form neutrally charged quasiparticles. These so-called excitons represent the fundamental electronic excitation of a semiconductor and obey Bose statistics in the low-density limit. However, when increasing T or n beyond a certain limit, the exciton complexes get ionized and the system switches from an insulating state to a conductive electron-hole plasma (EHP)-the Mott transition (MT) [1]. While exciton dissociation induced by a hot phonon bath represents a classical process and occurs when the thermal energy becomes of the order of the exciton binding energy E b X ≈ k B T , the breakup of excitons due to an increasing carrier population relies on much more complex mechanisms. In simplified terms, when n approaches the hard-sphere limit, that is, when the interparticle distance is reduced to the order of the exciton Bohr radius a B , the fermionic properties of the exciton constituents become dominant: Coulomb screening and phase-space filling cause a reduction of E b X and eventually the dissociation of the excitonic bound state around a certain critical density n crit [2]. Note that the latter is usually overestimated by the simple hard-sphere criterion [3].Whereas the MT was initially claimed to be a first-order phase transition [1,4], later experiments led to partially conflicting results. Especially in three dimensions (3D), studies exist that argue to evidence the first-order nature of the MT [5,6], while others point toward a second-order transition [7][8][9]. However, note that in optically-probed bulk systems, the exponential absorption profile leads to an emission signal that mixes inhomogeneously injected regions and may conceal certain characteristics of the MT. This drawback can be circumvented in 2D systems. Here, most of the studies suggest a rather smooth MT [10][11][12][13]. On the contrary, experimental studies concerning the T dependence of the MT are extremely scarce. In a simple framework, an increasing Debye-screening length gives reason to expect a rise in n crit with T . Even if such a behavior was claimed for bulk ...