“…1.3], it is easy to prove that G is contained in some maximal closed face e G. By assumption, the linear mapping x 7 ! Ax attains a lexicographical minimum over e G at some point c 2 C. On the other hand, by Proposition 14 and Corollary 9, the face e G is M-decomposable and, in view of the proof of [4,Proposition 16], the set convC \ af f e G is a compact component of e G. Since G is a face of e G (see [12, p. 163]), by Proposition 14 the set convC \ af f G = convC \ af f e G \ af f G is a compact component of G. Hence, by [4,Proposition 13. (v)], if a 2 R n is such that the linear function x 7 !…”