Glacier speedups occur on daily to centennial timescales. While basal water and subglacial drainage configuration are thought to drive glacier speedups across these timescales, it remains unclear whether this forcing always occurs through the same mechanisms. Here, we explore whether the enthalpy model of glacier surging can explain speedups over a broader range of timescales if modified to account for seasonality in surface melt and continuous water supply to the glacier bed. We simulate velocity oscillations that range from seasonal to years. Our model results more closely resemble observations of surges than previous model versions because ice flow variability at seasonal and multi‐year timescales is reproduced simultaneously through hydrological forcing. Under favorable conditions, seasonal water delivery to the bed gradually accumulates in a poorly‐connected basal drainage system, priming the glacier to surge. Surges themselves are marked by high water fluxes and enthalpy drainage from the glacier base.