Pneumolysin is a cytoplasmic virulence factor of Streptococcus pneumoniae that can interfere with phagocyte function in vitro. We have examined the effects of pneumolysin in vitro and in vivo and have found that it protects intravenously injected pneumococci against infection-induced host resistance. We employed a virulent capsular type 2 pneumococcal strain, D39, and its isogenic pneumolysin-negative mutant, PLN. Strain D39 exhibited exponential net growth in mice (doubling time, 1.4 h); 24 to 28 h after infection with 10 4 CFU, the numbers of pneumococci reached 10 9 to 10 10 CFU/ml and the mice died. Strain PLN yielded identical net growth in mice until reaching 10 6 to 10 7 CFU/ml at 12 to 18 h postinfection. At this time, the increase in the level of PLN CFU per milliliter ceased and remained constant for several days. PLN exhibited wild-type growth kinetics in mice when coinfected simultaneously with strain D39. This observation suggests that pneumolysin exerts its effects at a distance. By 12 to 18 h postinfection with PLN, mice exhibited the following evidence of an induced inflammatory response: (i) elevated plasma interleukin-6, (ii) a halt in the net growth of PLN, and (iii) control of the net growth of pneumolysin-producing D39 pneumococci upon subsequent challenge. Our data suggest that pneumolysin plays a critical role in sepsis during the first few hours after infection by enabling pneumococci to cause acute sepsis rather than a chronic bacteremia. However, once chronic bacteremia was established, it appeared that pneumolysin was no longer able to act as a virulence factor.