A batch mixer is considered. The feasibility of developing a new type of mixers is presented. A literary review of domestic and foreign authors on this subject is made. The author's kinematic scheme of the mixer is presented. It describes the effect on the material mixed in the mixing chamber with respect to two mutually perpendicular horizontal axes. Movement features of material in the mixer suggest the presence of elements of the gyroscopic effect. Rotation of the mixing chamber is carried out by means of belt, chain and conical transmission. The resulting complex spatial motion of the material particles can be controlled by a frequency converter and the selection of appropriate gears. An algorithm for modeling the conical transmission for a mixer with a bi-directional rotational effect on the material is presented. Bevel gear is set on the carrier. Preliminary experimental studies have been conducted. A three-dimensional model of the bevel gear is presented. Adjustment of the installation dimensions is shown. A three-dimensional model of a bevel gear transmission, using the NX software product, is supplemented with a table for its calculation and an initial stocking model. The practical implementation of bevel gears in metal is shown. conclusions on modeling are made.