Apical kernels of maize (Zea mays L.) ears have smaller size and lower growth rates than basal kernels. To improve our understanding of this difference, the developmental patterns of starch-synthesis-pathway enzyme activities and accumulation of sugars and starch was determined in apical-and basal-kernel endosperm of greenhouse-grown maize (cultivar Cornell 175) plants. Plants were synchronously pollinated, kernels were sampled from apical and basal ear positions throughout kernel development, and enzyme activities were measured in crude preparations. Several factors were correlated with the higher dry matter accumulation rate and larger mature kernel size of basal-kernel endosperm. During the period of cell expansion (7 to 19 days after pollination), the activity of insoluble (acid) invertase and sucose concentration in endosperm of basal kernels exceeded that in apical kernels. Soluble (alkaline) invertase was also high during this stage but was the same in endosperm of basal and apical kernels, while glucose concentration was higher in apical-kernel endosperm. During the period of maximal starch synthesis, the activities of sucrose synthase, ADP-Glc-pyrophosphorylase, and insoluble (grnule-bound) ADP-Glc-starch synthase were higher in endosperm of basal than apical kernels. Soluble ADP-Glc-starch synthase, which was maximal during the early stage before starch accumulated, was the same in endosperm from apical and basal kernels. It appeared that differences in metabolic potential between apical and basal kernels were established at an early stage in kernel development.The mechanisms which control development and maintenance of kernel sink capacity in cereal grain species are not well understood. Sink capacity is determined in part by the rate of photosynthate utilization. Starch is the major constituent in mature maize kernels and thus the starch synthesis pathway could be an important site of regulation. It has been determined that starch synthesis in cereal grains involves the synthesis of ADP-Glc by ADPG-PPase2 and the incorporation of ADP-Glc into starch by ADP-Glc starch synthase (13). The invertase was suggested by radiotracer studies which indicated that sucrose was hydrolyzed in the cell wall free space prior to hexose uptake by endosperm cells (19,20).Earlier-forming kernels on a plant usually have higher survival probability (22), longer growth duration (24), and higher growth rates (21) than later forming kernels. In maize ears, the apical florets develop and pollinate several days after basal florets (24,25). The timing of pollination in maize can be controlled to synchronize all kernels on an ear, but even with this treatment apical kernels were found to have lower growth rates than did basal kernels (6). The objective of this study was to compare the activities of starch pathway enzymes in apical and basal kernels during development on synchronously pollinated ears.MATERIAILS AND METHODS Plant Material. Maize (Zea mays L., cv Cornell 175) kernels were planted on February 1, 1984 into ...