Several existing computer programs for estimating life-cycle cost of mining systems have been evaluated. A commercially available program ADAM/1 was found to be satisfactory in relation to the needs of the Advanced Coal Extraction Project. Two test cases were run to confirm the ability of the program to handle non-conventional mining equipment and procedures. The results were satisfactory. The model, therefore, is recommended to the project team for evaluation of their conceptual designs.Since the model is commercially available, data prc iration instructions are not reproduced in this document; instead tle reader is referred to the original documents for this information.iii PREFACE This document was prepared in support of the Advanced Coal Extraction Project at JPL. Evaluation of performance of various advanced mining concepts requires the development and refinement of analytical tools. This document is an evaluation of the ADAM/1 coal mining simulation model for applicability to advanced mining concepts.This effort was made possible by the cooperation of Ketron, Inc., developers of the ADAM/1 Model. William Douglas, Jeff Kohler, Kathleen Knoebel, and Jack Urie of Ketron, Inc., helped in the setup of the model for computer processing. Govind Deshpande worked with Ketron and obtained the results for the two test cases.Milt Lavin and Lon Isenl-erg assisted in the selection of computer models and provided guidancaa -"roughout this evaluation.