Multi-Tiered Systems of Support is a framework utilized by schools when implementing evidence -based teaching practices to target the academic and social emotional needs of students. This action research study sought to investigate the successes and challenges educators experience when implementing MTSS in urban elementary schools. Participants and data collected in Cycle 1 consisted general education teachers working in an elementary school setting who offered insight into the perceptions, experiences, preparedness, and supports on the implementation and use of MTSS. Action steps were designed, implemented, and evaluated in Cycle 2 to provide support for educators in order to coordinate instructional practices and improve tiered instruction. The Professional Learning Community Series was delivered to a cohort of elementary educators and focused on MTSS components including literacy curriculums and resources, formative and summative assessments, and progress monitoring techniques. Three sessions were developed and co-facilitated by the participating educators from one urban school district. Evaluating the results of the Action Research study included a thorough assessment of the intended learning outcomes -improving teaching strategies and knowledge for the implementation of MTSS. The participants provided critical feedback that assisted the evaluation process. The study concluded that the implementation of MTSS can be successful when done do with fidelity and support, access to on-going professional development, and opportunities to communicate and collaborate with colleagues. Implications for the organization included creating structures that support the MTSS implementation, providing educators choice and voice in professional learning and professional development opportunities, and promoting communication and improving collaboration.