7can be useful across numerous contexts and in the face of changing circumstances. Increasingly, also young people need to manage their own learning processes in self-directed learning, regardless of where they are physically or may move in their lifetimes. As established social structures struggle to address global challenges, people across the planet need to be able to organise themselves and to take initiatives.
Keywords:Contextual Analysis, Critical Knowledge Capabilities, Deep Approaches to Learning, Deep Approaches to Teaching, Education for Sustainable Development (ESD), Environmental and Sustainabilty Education Research (ESER), Global Classrooms, Global Learning, Global Learning for Sustainable Development (GLSD), Global-Local Contexts, Phenomenography, Sustainable Development, Teaching Approaches, Transdisciplinary Teaching, Transitions.
Ack gör mig värd att se i den! Ack gör mig ren!Karin Boye (ur Glömda land)
STUDIES INCLUDED IN THE DISSERTATIONThis thesis is based on the following studies. All articles are reprinted with permission from the copyright holders and appended to the end of the thesis.
Study IAnderberg, Nordén, Birgitta, Avery, Helen & Anderberg, Elsie (2012). Learning in global settings: developing transitions for meaningmaking. Research in Comparative and International Education, 7(4), 514-529. Special Issue.
Study III
Study IVNordén, Birgitta. Transdisciplinary teaching for global learning of sustainable development in a whole school project. The
INTRODUCTIONAwareness of global sustainability questions has increased in many parts of the world. A large number of teachers want to make a difference, and feel the urgency of the situation the planet is facing. Nevertheless, working with education for sustainable development (ESD) in practice, teachers frequently experience difficulties dealing with the multiple dimensions of sustainable development, and do not know how to educate on complex issues that stretch across and beyond school subjects. Despite the need for knowledge and research on these questions, issues of introducing a educational development processes for ESD have not been extensively researched to date. This is particularly true at upper secondary school levels. Rather than taking a whole school approach, and working with the processes of development in a sustained and continuous manner, the approach of education for sustainable development at schools has instead often been fragmented, and depended upon individual interests and the work of particularly motivated teachers.The importance of advancing the quality of ESD was early recognised by Hart & Nolan (1999). It has also been concluded that future research in ESD, as well as the particular challenges in global learning for sustainable development (GLSD), have to focus more on support to teachers Scheunpflug, 2011Scheunpflug, , 2014.This thesis takes its point of departure in experiences from the Young Masters Distance Education Programme, which started in 1999 , and a series of projects that connected to 18 this pr...