Moxidectin (MOX) is used to control helminth parasites in ruminant livestock being released through faeces into the environment. We aimed at evaluating the impact of MOX-contaminated sheep feces on soil coprophagous insects, microbial biomass, and activity. In a field experiment, faeces from MOX-treated rams (subcutaneous dose of 0.2 mg kg-1 body weight) and faeces from non-treated rams were placed on an animal-free pasture, protected or not from rain, for 88 days. Coprophagous insects were captured, identified, and counted, while N mineralization, and C e N contents were monitored. In a controlled experiment, faeces from non-treated animals were amended with MOX concentrations ranging from 75 to 3,000 ng MOX kg-1 faeces, mixed with soil from an animal-free pasture, and incubated for 28 days. Soil microbial biomass, respiration, and culture-microbe counting were determined. Diptera, Hymenoptera, Isoptera, and Coleoptera were equally found in faeces from both MOX-treated and non-treated animals. Faeces from MOX-treated animals had more N and degraded faster than those from non-treated animals. Even the lowest MOX concentration decreased soil microbial biomass, respiration, and N mineralization. Despite not harming coprophagous insects, the addition of MOX to feces from drug-free sheep has a negative impact on soil microbial biomass and activity.