Type III electrical burns on the wrist are characterized by circumferential wounds, three dimensional with sandwich-like necrosis, and progressive blood circulation disturbances. Limb salvage is challenging, and success in meeting this challenge depends on vascular reconstruction and wound coverage. This paper is intended for the following purposes: to investigate the principles of wound debridement, the management of involved blood vessels, and the clinical effects of the extended paraumbilical perforator flap pedicled with the inferior epigastric artery for coverage of type III circumferential electrical burns of the wrist. Thirteen male patients (age, 20–43 years; average, 29 years) were enrolled in the study. After early escharotomy, debridement, and vascular reconstruction, all wounds were repaired with the extended paraumbilical perforator flap pedicled with the inferior epigastric artery. Flap survival was achived in all 13 patients. Subcutaneous liquefaction necrosis and infection beneath the flap occurred in 3 patients. Radial or ulnar artery reconstruction via the great saphenous vein graft was performed in 12 cases. All patients had a mean follow-up of 6–36 months, the flaps demonstrated satisfactory flexibility and texture. Hand function was preserved in 8 patients, and no patients developed abdominal hernia. Thorough debridement, early vascular re-establishment, and wound coverage are essential for the overall limb salvage effort for type III circumferential electrical burns of the wrist. The extended paraumbilical perforator flap may provide a new and appropriate option for the primary repair of extensive soft tissue defects.