Noise properties, the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), contrast-tonoise ratio (CNR), and signal responses were compared during functional activation of the human brain at 1.5 and 3.0 T. At the higher field spiral gradient-echo (GRE) brain images revealed an average gain in SNR of 1.7 in fully relaxed and 2.2 in images with a repetition time (TR) of 1.5 sec. The tempered gain at longer TRs reflects the fact that the physiological noise depends on the signal strength and becomes a larger fraction of the total noise at 3.0 T. Activation of the primary motor and visual cortex resulted in a 36% and 44% increase of "activated pixels" at 3.0 T, which reflects a greater sensitivity for the detection of activated gray matter at the higher field. The gain in the CNR exhibited a dependency on the underlying tissue, i.e., an increase of 1.8؋ in regions of particular high activation-induced signal changes (presumably venous vessels) and of 2.2؋ in the average activated areas. These results demonstrate that 3.0 T provides a clear advantage over MRI modalities are often limited by the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) and the contrast-to-noise ratio (CNR). Both SNR and CNR have been shown to increase with magnetic field strength B 0 (1,2). Consequently, the "optimal field strength" and the field dependency in blood oxygenation level dependent (BOLD) MRI have been the subject of various investigations (1,3-6). For many MRI applications a magnetic field strength of 1.5 Tesla (T) seems to represent a good compromise. Functional MRI (fMRI), however, is particularly dependent on good SNR and CNR properties, since typically observed BOLD signal changes at 1.5 T are on the order of a few percent and often exceed the intrinsic noise only slightly. Several biophysical models of activation-induced changes of the oxygenation-sensitive MRI signals have proposed that the changes in the relaxation rate ⌬R* 2 and subsequently the BOLD effect are proportional to B 0 for large vessels and proportional to B 0 2 for small vessels and capillaries (7,8). Thus, higher fields may provide an important improvement in fMRI. Indeed, recent investigations have demonstrated a superlinear increase in the BOLD CNR with the field strength (1,4,5), suggesting that high field fMRI methods may be able to resolve oxygenation changes in small vessels and capillaries, which are spatially localized near the origin of the neuronal activity.In the present study, various BOLD-relevant properties were compared at 1.5 T and 3.0 T. In order to establish identical BOLD-sensitivities, we investigated the T* 2 relaxation times for gray matter at each field strength and scaled the corresponding echo time (TE), and the excitation angle at 3.0 T. We compared intrinsic noise contributions and the SNR in gradient-echo (GRE) images and examined activation-induced BOLD responses during visual and motor activation at both fields in terms of spatial extent, the mean z-score, and the CNR of "activated voxels." T* 2 -maps from various brain sections were calculated to investigate spatial aspect...