DCP1 stimulates the decapping enzyme DCP2, which removes the mRNA 5 cap structure committing mRNAs to degradation. In multicellular eukaryotes, DCP1-DCP2 interaction is stabilized by additional proteins, including EDC4. However, most information on DCP2 activation stems from studies in S. cerevisiae, which lacks EDC4. Furthermore, DCP1 orthologs from multicellular eukaryotes have a C-terminal extension, absent in fungi. Here, we show that in metazoa, a conserved DCP1 C-terminal domain drives DCP1 trimerization. Crystal structures of the DCP1-trimerization domain reveal an antiparallel assembly comprised of three kinked ␣-helices. Trimerization is required for DCP1 to be incorporated into active decapping complexes and for efficient mRNA decapping in vivo. Our results reveal an unexpected connectivity and complexity of the mRNA decapping network in multicellular eukaryotes, which likely enhances opportunities for regulating mRNA degradation.DCP2 ͉ miRNAs ͉ P-bodies ͉ EDC4 ͉ Ge-1 I n eukaryotes, removal of the mRNA 5Ј cap structure is catalyzed by the decapping enzyme DCP2 (1, 2); to be fully active and/or stable, DCP2 requires additional proteins (1, 2). Yeast DCP2 interacts directly with DCP1 and this interaction is required for decapping in vivo and in vitro (3-7). In humans, the DCP2-DCP1 interaction requires additional proteins, which together assemble into multimeric decapping complexes that also include the enhancers of decapping 3 and 4 (EDC3 and ECD4), and the DEAD-box protein DDX6/RCK (8, 9).DCP2 is highly conserved and most information on DCP2 activation stems mainly from studies in S. cerevisiae and S. pombe (3-7). Fungi, however, lack EDC4 as well as many extensions and additional domains present in decapping activators of metazoan orthologs (8-10). For example, all eukaryotic DCP1 proteins contain an N-terminal EVH1 domain (3, 5, 6); however, DCP1 orthologs from metazoa and plants also have a proline-rich C-terminal extension (9, 10). The sequence of this extension is not conserved except for a 14-residue short motif (motif I, MI) conserved in metazoa with the exception of C. elegans (Fig. 1A and Fig. S1) and a C-terminal domain conserved in plants and metazoa ( Fig. 1 A, referred to as TD).The DCP1 C-terminal domain is predicted to adopt an ␣-helical conformation. In this work, we show that this domain trimerizes in an asymmetric fashion. We solved the crystal structure of the trimerized domain for both human and D. melanogaster DCP1 and show that the trimer adopts an unprecedented fold, with no current similarities in the protein database. We further show that DCP1 trimerization is required for the assembly of active decapping complexes and for mRNA decapping in vivo. The conservation of structurally critical residues indicates that this domain adopts a similar fold in DCP1 orthologs of other multicellular eukaryotes. Consequently, within mRNA decapping complexes in these organisms, the stoichiometry of the protein components is likely more complex than previously thought.
Results and DiscussionCry...