Density functional theory (DFT) calculations at ONIOM DFT B3LYP/ 6-31G**-MD/UFF level are employed to study molecular and dissociative water and ammonia adsorption on anatase TiO 2 (001) surface represented by partially relaxed Ti 20 O 35 ONIOM cluster. DFT calculations indicate that water molecule is dissociated on anatase TiO 2 (001) surface by a nonactivated process with an exothermic relative energy difference of 58.12 kcal/mol. Dissociation of ammonia molecule on the same surface is energetically more favorable than molecular adsorption of ammonia (À37.17 kcal/mol vs. À23.28 kcal/mol). The vibration frequency values also are computed for the optimized geometries of adsorbed water and ammonia molecules on anatase TiO 2 (001) surface. The computed adsorption energy and vibration frequency values are comparable with the values reported in the literature. Finally, several thermodynamical properties (DH , DS , and DG ) are calculated for temperatures corresponding to the experimental studies.