For a multicellular organism to proceed from egg to adult it must: (i) undergo cell division, (ii) differentiate, (iii) remain a unified whole (H o ). These requirements are at right angles to each other. The first two are achieved through hierarchical processes (vertical control) that are relatively well understood, the third through non-hierarchical processes (horizontal control) physiological evidence for which is abundant, though not widely recognized as a form of control. The essay gives an example of a tissue -the skin of a living squid -whose horizontal network properties come to light when nervous (vertical) control is removed. It offers the name homeotaxy or 'peer conformity' for the general principle (allied to the community effect, Gurdon 1988) that constrains the parts of the whole to be in the same state within any given layer of the networkwhere layers correspond to ontogenetic stages in the development of the tissue -and discusses the question of a need and a name for this principle in Biology.Savouring of an intangible 'holism' and of Driesch's dubious 'entelechy', the old question of how it is that the organism behaves as a whole, and not just as a collection of parts, can not be said to be of major concern to today's biologists. One obstacle is that holistic concepts are notoriously difficult to formulate; the words and concepts available for dealing with wholes are perceived as inadequate; we seem to have advanced little beyond the broad statements of the organismal and Gestalt schools. Another is the sheer success of reductionist methodology allied to molecular technologies. While this essay is essentially about the first of these problems, it is heavily influenced by the existence of the second.As a working 'whole animal' biologist, I see it as a question of controls, and seek a pragmatic way round the problem by asserting, on general biological grounds and as far as possible in non-technical language, some simple principles amply demonstrable in living things.To pose the question about wholes and parts in a dynamic form with reasonable chance of being understood by seminar audiences, I have been asking it in a context with which all students and practitioners in the life sciences should be more or less familiar. What is it that holds the blastomeres together so that