The mammalian Y-box-binding protein 1 (YB-1), also known as p50, dbpB, MSY-1, and EF1A, is a member of the multifunctional family of DNA/RNA binding proteins with an evolutionarily conservative cold-shock domain (26). Some prokaryotic members of this protein family were identified as major cold-shock proteins, because their synthesis is strongly enhanced by decreasing temperature, and they serve for bacterial adaptation to growth at low temperature (15).Upon binding to DNA, YB-1 functions as a transcription factor and regulates expression of genes with a Y box in their promoters (34). In addition, YB-1 is involved in reparation (17, 21) and, probably, in replication of DNA (16). Through interaction with mRNA nuclear precursors, this protein participates in alternative splicing of mRNA (5, 33). In the cytoplasm, YB-1 serves as the main mRNA packaging protein (31) and regulates the life time (11) and mRNA template activity in protein synthesis (13,23).YB-1 has a dual effect on protein synthesis depending on the YB-1/mRNA ratio. At a low ratio typical for polysomal mRNPs, YB-1 stimulates translation at the stage of initiation (12,23,29). At an increased ratio corresponding to free mRNPs, YB-1 inhibits the protein synthesis both in vitro (23, 24) and in vivo (7) at the very beginning of translation initiation by displacing the translation initiation factor eIF4G from mRNA (24).At the cellular level, YB-1 increases cell resistance to ionizing radiation and DNA-damaging chemicals; it can serve as an early marker of multiple drug resistance and induces resistance to oncogenic transformation by the phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase/Akt-kinase pathway (1, 19). The above data suggest that the nucleocytoplasmic distribution of YB-1, as well as its content within the cell, should be under strict control.Recently, we have found a regulatory element within 3Ј untranslated region (UTR) of YB-1 mRNA that specifically interacts with two major proteins of cytoplasmic mRNPs, the poly(A)-binding protein (PABP) and YB-1. As a result, PABP selectively activates translation of YB-1 mRNA, irrespective of whether or not it has a 3Ј poly(A) tail (32).Here, we have analyzed the YB-1 effect on YB-1 mRNA translation. It was found that YB-1 can completely suppress its own synthesis at low concentrations that have a stimulating effect on translation of other mRNAs. The inhibition occurs at or prior to joining of the 40S ribosomal subunit to YB-1 mRNA. We have mapped the YB-1 and PABP binding sites on the regulatory element of YB-1 mRNA and have shown that YB-1 binds to two sequences (nucleotides [nt] 1133 to 1145 and 1165 to 1172) containing the same 8-nt motif (UCCAG/ ACAA), and PABP interacts with an A-rich sequence of about 50 nt in length (nt 1149 to 1196). The binding sites of YB-1 and PABP overlap, and these two proteins compete for binding to the regulatory element of YB-1 mRNA. In addition, PABP can restore the translation of YB-1 mRNA inhibited by YB-1.
MATERIALS AND METHODSPlasmid construction. The pBluescript II SK YB-1 construct cont...