Interleukin‐6 (IL‐6) is consistently increased in the digital lamellae in different studies of sepsis‐related laminitis (SRL). IL‐6 signalling through the gp130 receptor activates similar signalling (i.e. mTORC1‐related signalling) previously reported to be activated in models of endocrinopathic laminitis.
To assess the activation state of signalling proteins downstream of IL‐6/gp130 receptor complex activation in an experimental model of SRL.
Study design
Randomised experimental study.
Lamellar phospho‐(P) protein concentrations downstream of the IL‐6/gp130 receptors were assessed in the oligofructose (OF) model of SRL. Fifteen Standardbred horses were administered water (CON, n = 8) or oligofructose (OF, n = 7) via a nasogastric tube. At 12 h post‐OF/water administration, one randomly assigned forelimb was exposed to continuous digital hypothermia (CDH) by placement in ice water (ICE, maintained at <7°C); the other forelimb was maintained at ambient temperature (AMB). Lamellar tissue samples were collected after 24 h of CDH from both ICE and AMB forelimbs and immediately snap‐frozen. Lamellar proteins of interest were assessed by immunoblotting and immunofluorescence.
Immunoblotting revealed increase (P<0.05) in the phosphorylation states of Akt (Ser 473), RPS6 (Ser235/236), RPS6 (Ser240/244), STAT3 (Ser727) and STAT3 (Tyr705) in lamellar tissue from OF‐treated animals (AMB OF vs. AMB CON limbs); CDH resulted in decreased (P<0.05) lamellar concentrations of phosphorylated Akt, p70S6K, RPS6 (235/236), RPS6 (240/244) and STAT3 (S727) in OF‐treated animals (AMB OF vs. ICE OF). Immunofluorescence showed that activated/phosphorylated forms of RPS6 and STAT3 were primarily localised to lamellar epithelial cells.
Main limitations
The nature, sequence and timing of sub‐cellular events in this experimental model may differ from those that accompany naturally occurring sepsis.
There were increased lamellar concentrations of activated signalling proteins downstream of the IL‐6/Gp130 receptor complex in OF‐treated horses; CDH inhibited this activation for the majority of the proteins assessed. These results demonstrate similar lamellar signalling (e.g. mTORC1‐related signalling) and, therefore, possible therapeutic targets occurring in sepsis‐related laminitis as previously reported in models of endocrinopathic laminitis.