Previous studies have suggested that the proportion of left ovarian endometriotic cysts is significantly higher than the expected 50% [1], but that ovarian dermoid cysts have a predisposition to a right lateral distribution [2][3][4].We studied the distribution of benign ovarian cysts in 1184 consecutive women undergoing surgery at our institution between August 1994 and December 2003. Information was abstracted from a continuously updated database. Functional follicular and luteal cysts were not considered in the present study. Women with cysts of different histologic origin in the same ovary or bilaterally, and those who had undergone abdominal surgery for reasons other than appendectomy, were also excluded from the study. Institutional review board approval was not requested because this was a retrospective study. Statistical analysis was performed using analysis of variance, one-way analysis of variance on ranks, the Mann-Whitney U test, and the v 2 -test.Dermoid cysts were present bilaterally in 8.6% of the women. Among women with unilateral dermoid cysts, the numbers of left-sided cysts (55.0%) and right-sided cysts (45.0%) were similar ( P=0.159). Unilateral endometriotic cysts were more frequent on the left than on the right ovary ( Pb0.001). Bilateral cysts were more frequent in women with endometriotic cysts (19.3%) than in those with nonendometriotic cysts (7.2%) (odds ratio, 3.11; 95% confidence interval, 2.15-4.50; Pb0.001). Serous, mucinous, and paraovarian 0020-7292/$ -see front matter D