Aseries presenting the results of aetlvities sponsored by the NA TO Seienee Committee, whieh aims at the dissemination of advaneed seientlflc and technologleal knowledge, with a vlew to strengthenlng links between seientific communities. The series is publlshed by an International board of publlshers in conjunctlon with the NATO Sclentific Affairs Division A Llfe Sclences B Physlcs
All rights reservedNo part 01 thls book may be reproduced, stored in a retrleval syst~m, or transmitted in any lorm or by any means, electronlc, mechanlcal, photocopylng, mlcrolilming. recording, or otherwlse, wlthout written perm Iss Ion lrom the Publlsher ISBN 978-1-4899-0064-7 ISBN 978-1-4899-0062-3 (eBook)
PREFACEDuring the last decade or so vaccine development has been facilitated by rapid advances in the molecular and cell biology ofthe immune system. This has laid the foundations of a new generation of vaccines exemplified by subunit vaccines produced through gene cloning and by synthetic peptides mimicking small regions ofproteins on the outer coat ofviruses. However, as subunit and peptide vaccines are only weakly or non-immunogenic, there is areal need for strategies to improve their potency.This book contains the proceedings of the 5th NATO Advanced Studies Institute (ASI), "Vaccine Design: The Role of Cytokine Networks," held at Cape Sounion Beach, Greece, during 24 June-5 July 1996 and deals in depth with the role ofbasic immunology in the regulation of immunity and vaccine design. Special emphasis is given to the use of cytokines in conjuction with vaccines with the aim ofimproving their potency or the use ofvaccines designed to improve cytokine production.