Several genital anomalies have been reported in the identical twins which have a tremendous effect on reproductive status. No previous studies have reported the Mullerian duct cyst in identical twin brothers. We describe a rare case of Mullerian cyst in a male identical twin with infertility. A 43-year-old man presented with 2 years of infertility. In the spermogram analysis, sperm count leaded to azoospermia detection. Transrectal ultrasonography (TRUS) examination was done. An echo-free structure in the mid part of prostate suggested a Mullerian cyst which had caused ejaculatory duct obstruction. The other twin, who dealt with infertility as well, was referred for TRUS. A Mullerian cyst was detected. Ultimately, testicular sperm extraction and percutaneous epididymal sperm aspiration procedures were recommended. Imaging with variety ranges of modality can help to identify Mullerian cyst. Further researches for detecting the genetic factor causes of this anomaly should be considered.