Autism is a disease that appears in the first stage of life and produces significant imbalances in the behaviour of people affected by this disease. According to existing data, autism is growing at an alarming rate. Its early diagnosis is important to be able to administer to the patient the aids it refers to, especially those related to learning. DIAUTIS is a platform that aims to help the clinical team, doctors, parents, tutors and schools in the diagnosis of this disease. Its ability to cognitive, fuzzy, and affective computing, with the capability to learn from experience, endows the multi-agent system many possibilities. One of them is to present collections of tests of various categories, evaluate the results of the child, and present a final model of his/her condition and the severity of the disease.The tests performed show that DIAUTIS is ready to initiate a long series of diagnostic tests with reliability and efficiency.
Original Research ArticleEl Alami et al.; BJAST, 21(4): 1-28, 2017; Article no.BJAST.33716 2