The experimental robotic system, given by
Architecture of the RobuTER/ULM mobile manipulatorRobuTER/ULM is composed of a rectangular differentially-driven mobile base on which is mounted a manipulator. The robot is controlled by an on-board MMX industrial PC and by four MPC555 microcontroller cards communicating via a CAN bus. The on-board PC is running under Linux 6.2 with RTAI layer 1.3. This layer interfaces C/C++ application with that developed under SynDEx ( The first MPC555 card controls the mobile base. The second and the third control the first three and the last three joints of the manipulator. The last MPC555 controls the effort sensor. The mobile base has two driven wheels ensuring its mobility and two free wheels to maintain its stability. The mobile base is equipped with a belt of 24 ultrasonic sensors, a laser measurement system at the front and an odometer sensor on each driven wheel. Robot Manipulators, New Achievements 148The manipulator is a six-dof ultra-light manipulator (ULM) with two-finger electrical gripper. All of the joints are rotatable. The manipulator is equipped with incremental position sensor for each articulation and with a six-dof effort sensor integrated on the gripper. The robot is also equipped with a monochrome CCD camera placed on the gripper (eye-inhand camera) with an acquisition card. The resolution of the camera is 352*240 pixels. Images are directly transmitted to the off-board PC via the wireless video transmission system. The camera is maneuverable enough to explore the environment of the robot due to the six dof of the manipulator.
Kinematic analysis of RobuTER/ULM
Main reference framesThe kinematic analysis of the robot needs to focus on the following main reference frames and transformation matrices (Fig. 2)
Kinematic analysis of the ULM manipulatorThe position coordinates and orientation angles of the end-effector are calculated in R M by (1) following the Modified Denavit-Hartenberg (MDH) representation (Khalil & Kleinfinger, 1986) whereM T 2 , 6 T E and k-1 T k are given by (2) (Dombre & Khalil, 2007):
Kinematic analysis of the mobile manipulatorIt involves the interaction between the mobile base and the manipulator. The location of the end-effector is given in R A by:A T B and B T M are given by (4) and (5) For RobuTER/ULM, as shown in Fig. 3, Hentout et al., 2009a) . Each agent models a principal function of the mobile manipulator and manages a different sub-system. In addition, for each agent corresponds a mechanism connecting the four capacities Supervision, Perception, Decision and Action explained in more details in (Hentout et al., 2008).The Supervision capacity is a virtual entity that select modules which result in the necessary behaviour facing a given situation.The following are the basic functions of the architecture agents (Hentout et al., 2009b): SA, Supervisory Agent: SA receives the mission to be executed, decides on its feasibility according to the status and the availability (P...