Nowadays bio-inspired approaches are widely used. Some of them became paradigms in many domains, such as Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) and Genetic Algorithms (GA). Despite the inherent challenges of surviving, in the natural world, biological organisms evolve, self-organize and self-repair with only local knowledge and without any centralized control. The analogy between biological systems and Multi-Agent Systems (MAS) is more than evident. In fact, every entity in real and natural systems is easily identified as an agent. Therefore, it will be more efficient to model them with agents. In a simulation context, MAS has been used to mimic behavioural, functional or structural features of biological systems. In a general context, bio-inspired systems are carried out with ad hoc design models or with a one target feature MAS model. Consequently, these works suffer from two weaknesses. The first is the use of dedicated models for restrictive purposes (such as academic projects). The second one is the lack of a design model. In this paper, our contribution aims to propose a generic multi-paradigms model for bio-inspired systems. This model is agent-based and will integrate different bio-inspired paradigms with respect of their concepts. We investigate to which extent is it possible to preserve the main characteristics of both natural and artificial systems. Therefore, we introduce the influence/reaction principle to deal with these bio-inspired multi-agent systems. Povzetek: Avtorji prispevka analizirajo podobnosti med biološkimi in multiagentnimi sistemi in predlagajo Bio-IR-M, integrirano shemo, ki zajema tako genetske algoritme kot npr. modele, temelječe na mravljah.