Dielectric resonator (DR) antenna is a more useful antenna in the last twenty years, due to its various attractive characteristics (like low profile, high gain, high radiation efficiency, and low metallic losses at high frequency) [1]. DR has some fundamental shape like rectangular, cylindrical, and spherical but some modified shapes also possible like a disk, ring, triangular, half-split, notch rectangular, conical, and elliptical [1,2]. Last few years, many researchers focus on the enhancement of bandwidth with a different method like ring shape DR, multi-segment DR, and adopted hybrid feeding structure in DRA [3,4]. Main objective behind this method is the enhancement of bandwidth (30-75%) by reducing Q-factor. The Q-factor is reduced by placing DR above the ground plane [4][5][6].In the present age of wireless communication, we are more focused on circular polarization (CP) because it has removed the disadvantage of linear polarization (LP). The main disadvantaged of linear polarization is multiple-path between transmitting and receiving antenna and misalignment between them [7]. There are many techniques which can be used to achieve CP (like difference shape of dielectric resonator with various feeding mechanism, two orthogonal electric field components, or 90°p hase difference between these field components). Wideband antenna is more useful in cogitative radio applications [8][9][10].