Spectral excitations of ultracold gases of bosonic atoms trapped in one-dimensional optical lattices with disorder are investigated by means of the variational cluster approach applied to the BoseHubbard model. Qualitatively different disorder distributions typically employed in experiments are considered. The computed spectra exhibit a strong dependence on the shape of the disorder distribution and the disorder strength. We compare alternative results for the Mott gap obtained from its formal definition and from the minimum peak distance, which is the quantity available from experiments.PACS numbers: 64.70. Tg, 73.43.Nq, 67.85.De, 03.75.Kk Interacting many-body systems with disorder are fascinating and challenging from both the experimental as well as the theoretical point of view. Understanding disordered bosonic systems has been of great interest ever since the pioneering works on the Bose-Hubbard (BH) model [1], which describes strongly interacting lattice bosons. Originally, the disordered BH model has been used to approximately describe various condensed matter systems, such as superfluid helium absorbed in porous media [2,3], superfluid films on substrates [4], and Josephson junction arrays [5]. However, seminal experiments on ultracold gases of atoms trapped in optical lattices shed new light on interacting bosonic many-body systems, as these systems provide a direct experimental realization of the BH model [6,7]. Intriguingly, these experiments allow to observe quantum many-body phenomena, such as the quantum phase transition from a superfluid to a Mott state [8]. The condensate of atoms can be driven across this phase transition by gradually increasing the laser beam intensity, which is directly related to the depth of the potential wells. There is a large experimental control over the system parameters such as the particle number or lattice depth, and in addition the parameters are tuneable over a wide range. While optical lattices provide a very clean experimental realization of strongly correlated lattice bosons, they can be used to study disordered systems on a very high level of control as well. Disorder can be added to the regular optical lattice by several techniques, such as by superposing additional optical lattices with shifted wavelength and beam angles [9][10][11][12][13][14], laser speckle fields [15][16][17][18], or including atoms of a different species acting as impurities [19].The disordered BH model has been widely investigated in the literature. Most of the work has been devoted to study the phase transitions occurring in the disordered BH model [20][21][22][23][24][25][26][27][28][29][30][31][32][33][34][35]. At zero temperature the ground-state phase diagram depending on the chemical potential, the tunneling probability of the particles and the disorder * michael.knap@tugraz.at
FIG. 1. (Color online)The periodic optical lattice potential is locally modified by disorder. In the illustration the disorder is bounded by ǫ * corresponding to a situation obtained by the superposition ...