<br /><table class="data" width="100%"><tbody><tr valign="top"><td class="value"><p>New technologies are rapidly changing mobile learning and making it difficult to control. In addition to educational factors and learning content, a modern mobile learning system must take into account the technical and personal aspects of learning, the devices and aspects related to its evolution and interoperability. Teaching on the other hand has also evolved involving more flexibility in tasks and learning stages, thus using modern technologies that offer more alternatives now. In addition, such tasks may be specific to the learning content as well as the learning context or furthermore the learner's environment.</p><p>Traditionally, mobile platform design relies on the skills of a mobile developer whose knowledge allows him to design mobile applications that are useful to users. But with mobile learning, the design phase involves more than just mobile development skills. For example, if you are designing a platform for practical work, the instructors responsible for the training should be involved. However, the empirical results show that educators do not integrate technology effectively into their curricula. To enable these instructors to develop mobile learning platforms, it is important to facilitate their integration through a theoretical model that will take into account all the ingredients necessary to complete this learning and to balance them in order to ensure its efficiency. In this study authors used a thematic synthesis methodology to present a framework for mobile devices integration in learning. They focused on three models that they think are the most cited in the field of ICT (information and communication technologies) integration in learning.</p><p>The five-axis framework consists of enriching the TPACK framework(Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge model in order to more precisely address mobile learning by covering the following parts: pedagogy, content, mobile technology, learning environment and learner’s profile. It describes relatively in depth the various factors involved as well as the effective interconnection to be ensured to achieve an optimal and efficient integration of m-learning. Balancing those five parts will be a matter of plural reflection when designing or consulting on a mobile learning platform.</p></td></tr></tbody></table>