Owner operators are managing and maintaining their infrastructure assets. In addition, depending on the national economic activity, they are being reactive or proactive in their response against uncertainty. Findings from this study showed that improvements can be achieved if the concept of future-proofing (FP) of assets -as a structured approach against uncertainty -becomes more explicitly defined. FP is the holistic process of taking security measures against uncertainty and being proactive throughout the organisation and its assets. In combination with information management, it ensures that asset management (AM) strategies will become responsive to a number of future changes in requirements. In this context, it is asserted that both FP and Building Information Modelling (BIM) suffer from a dearth of identification in the context of AM. Through a case study, this paper presents an approach that helps clients to future-proof AM at a strategic level. Furthermore, governance agendas for FP and BIM capabilities for future-proof information have been identified that owner operators and the supply chain can find useful.