Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) modeling of gasoline spark-ignited engine combustion has been extensively discussed using both detailed chemistry mechanisms (e.g., SAGE) and flamelet models (e.g., the G-equation). The models have been extensively validated under normal operating conditions; however, few studies have discussed the capability of these models in capturing DISI combustion under cold-start conditions. A cold-start differs from normal operating conditions in various respects, such as (1) having highly retarded spark timing to help generate a high heat flux in the exhaust for a rapid catalyst light-off; (2) having split-injection strategies to ensure a favorable stratification at the vicinity of the spark plug and reduced film formation; and (3) having optimized valve timings for reduced NOx emissions via increased internal residuals and reduced hydrocarbon (HC) emissions via prolonged oxidation of the combustion products. The retarded spark timing introduces the adverse effect of a decaying turbulence field, which results in a reduced turbulent flame speed. The analysis of all these factors happening inside the cylinder appears complicated at first glance; however, it could be made possible by efficient use of the existing CFD models. The current study explored the capability of the SAGE detailed chemistry model in capturing cold-start flame travel in a DISI engine. The results were then compared against the G-equation-based GLR model, which has been validated for excellent predictions of the DISI cold-start combustion as shown by Ravindran et al. The flame travel was captured on a Borghi-Peters diagram to find that the flame travels through corrugated, wrinkled, and laminar regimes. In order to fully evaluate the capability of the detailed chemistry model in predicting such changing turbulence-chemistry interactions, it will need to be studied individually in each regime; however, the scope of the current paper is limited to the study of the model behavior in the laminar regime, which will be shown to be important for DISI engine cold-start. The SAGE detailed chemistry model, with a toluene reference fuel (TRF) mechanism validated for gasoline laminar flame speeds, was found to significantly under-predict the flame propagation speeds because of the effects of numerical viscosity and discrepancies in capturing molecular diffusion. The causes and effects of this under-prediction and the ways in which this can be improved are presented in the paper.