Metrics & MoreArticle Recommendations * sı Supporting Information CONSPECTUS: Organic semiconductors are an important class of material with application in a wide range of devices including organic light emitting diodes (OLEDs), organic field-effect transistors (OFETs), organic solar cells, and organic thermoelectrics. The performance of organic semiconductor devices is strongly linked to thin film microstructure. As such, much research in the field is devoted to controlling and characterizing the microstructure of organic semiconductor thin films. The microstructure of organic semiconductor thin films in general, however, is challenging to characterize, as they have a level of disorder that often hinders the application of standard techniques for structural analysis. As organic materials, they also weakly interact with electron and X-ray beams, with thin films additionally having a small volume of material to interrogate. Advances in the development of synchrotron beamlines are now enabling the utilization of so-called "tender" X-rays for studying complex thin film organic samples. Tender X-rays have energy midway between hard X-rays (>10 keV or wavelength less than 0.1 nm) and soft X-rays (<1 keV or wavelength longer than ∼1.2 nm). Importantly, many heteroatoms found in organic semiconductors such as sulfur, chlorine, and silicon have absorption edges in the tender X-ray regime, enabling resonant tender X-ray scattering experiments. While resonant soft X-ray scattering (R-SoXS) has been an invaluable technique for the field utilizing the resonant interaction between soft X-rays with organic materials for enhanced scattering contrast (targeting the absorption edges of carbon, oxygen, and nitrogen), R-SoXS is limited by the long wavelength of soft X-rays and the strong absorption of soft X-rays by organic films. For quantitative analysis of the energy dependence of resonant scattering, minimizing the contribution due to absorption (and the energy-dependent contribution of X-ray fluorescence to the measured scattering signal) greatly simplifies the problem. Switching to the tender X-ray regime affords many advantages. The shorter wavelength of tender X-rays allows for resonant diffraction experiments to be performed: Studying variations in X-ray diffraction intensity as X-ray energy is varied across an absorption edge reveals new information about molecular packing. Tender Xrays also enable enhanced contrast for small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) experiments, even providing strong scattering contrast between amorphous and crystalline phases. Like soft X-rays, the interaction between tender X-rays and organic semiconductors is highly anisotropic, with tender X-rays also sensitive to molecular orientation. This Account provides an introduction to resonant tender X-ray scattering of organic semiconductors and summarizes recent experiments demonstrating the utility of tender X-rays for providing new microstructural information not readily accessed by current techniques.