The purpose of this study is to determine the type and number of spare for plant operation and maintenance planning. The method used in this study is a multi-criteria classification with a logistic perspective as well as maintenance. This study uses recommendation data from the manufacturer as an initial solution totaling 110 items per one power plant location from five locations to be calculated and grouping according to VED needs (Vital, Essential, Desireable). After knowing what spare parts must be provided, we will look for the number of spare parts by using expert judgment as a determinant of emergency spare parts. The results of the research have shown that the type and number of spare parts are more efficient compared to the manufacturer's recommendations. The reduction in the number of spare parts that must be stocked as a whole drops to only 71% and costs also decrease in the initial planning offered by the manufacturer to 72%. In total, the use of the above method can reduce inventory costs by 28% from the initial tender plan where the amount can be used as a bargaining reserve value in the overall O&M price to the owner.Productivity at the power plant is the most important performance in the operation and maintenance industry, productivity is much influenced by the availability of spare parts in the framework of maintenance of machinery, so that the minimum stock of emergency spare parts that must be calculated at the beginning of the tender must be truly calculated in order to avoid operation failure due to absence of spare parts. This paper tries to fill the gap in the literature regarding criteria from a logistic and maintenance point of view that is suitable for power plants where there is very little research in this area. Determination of the number of spare parts is an added value that is trying to display in this paper.