This paper focuses on clustering analysis using a K-means approach for fatigue feature dataset extraction. The aim of this study is to group the dataset as closely as possible (homogeneity) for the scattered dataset. Kurtosis, the wavelet-based energy coefficient and fatigue damage are calculated for all segments after the extraction process using wavelet transform. Kurtosis, the wavelet-based energy coefficient and fatigue damage are used as input data for the K-means clustering approach. K-means clustering calculates the average distance of each group from the centroid and gives the objective function values. Based on the results, maximum values of the objective function can be seen in the two centroid clusters, with a value of 11.58. The minimum objective function value is found at 8.06 for five centroid clusters. It can be seen that the objective function with the lowest value for the number of clusters is equal to five; which is therefore the best cluster for the dataset.