Forbidden transitions between energy levels typically involve violation of selection rules imposed by symmetry and/or conservation laws. A nanomagnet tunneling between up and down states violates angular momentum conservation because of broken rotational symmetry. Here we report observations of highly forbidden transitions between spin states in a Ni4 single-molecule magnet in which a single photon can induce the spin to change by several timesh, nearly reversing the direction of the spin. These observations are understood as tunnelingassisted transitions that lift the standard ∆m = ±1 selection rule for single-photon transitions. These transitions are observed at low applied fields, where tunneling is dominated by the molecule's intrinsic anisotropy and the field acts as a perturbation. Such transitions can be exploited to create macroscopic superposition states that are not typically accessible through single-photon ∆m = ±1 transitions.There has been much recent attention to using spin systems as potential qubits [1][2][3][4]. Molecular nanomagnets are particularly attractive as spin qubits [4][5][6][7][8][9][10][11][12] because many of their properties can be chemically engineered. Single-molecule magnets (SMMs) are anisotropic molecular magnets, typically with large total spin, for which the spin is impelled to point along a preferred axis, the "easy" axis [13]. They exhibit remarkable quantum dynamics including tunneling between different orientations [14] and quantum-phase interference [15]. Here we present evidence of highly forbidden transitions in the Ni 4 SMM where the transitions are enabled by tunneling, which lifts the requirement of spin angular momentum conservation. We observe transitions in which the absorption of a single photon permits a near reversal of the molecule's macrospin, grossly violating the standard ∆m = ±1 selection rule. The quantum states that can be generated through these forbidden transitions are non-classical, having a substantial "macroscopicity" by a standard measure. Our results imply that the forbidden transitions observed in this system (and similar molecules with strong anisotropy) can be exploited to create highly nonclassical states with single-photon transitions.From a quantum coherence perspective, forbidden transitions have some distinct advantages: Since the matrix elements for these transitions are small, they tend to have long lifetimes. In addition, they can be less susceptible to magnetic-field fluctuations under certain circumstances, potentially leading to longer coherence times [3,12,16]. Forbidden transitions have been seen in SMMs with very strong tunneling produced by strongly broken symmetry [11,12,17]. In contrast, in our experiments the transitions are dominated by a modest intrinsic anisotropy with an applied field acting as a perturbation.We studied the S = 4 complex [Ni(hmp)(dmb)Cl] 4 (hereafter Ni 4 ), shown in the inset of Fig. 1. The molecule's large ligands isolate the magnetic centers within a crystal from each other [18]. In addition, there a...