Located at z = 0.203, A2163 is a rich galaxy cluster with an intra-cluster medium (ICM) that exhibits extraordinary properties, including an exceptionally high X-ray luminosity, average temperature, and a powerful and extended radio halo. The irregular and complex morphology of its gas and galaxy structure suggests that this cluster has recently undergone major merger events that involve two or more cluster components. In this paper, we study the gas structure and dynamics by means of spectral-imaging analysis of X-ray data obtained from XMM-Newton and Chandra observations. From the evidence of a cold front, we infer the westward motion of a cool core across the E-W elongated atmosphere of the main cluster A2163-A. Located close to a galaxy over-density, this gas "bullet" appears to have been spatially separated from its galaxy (and presumably dark matter component) as a result of high-velocity accretion. From gas brightness and temperature profile analysis performed in two opposite regions of the main cluster, we show that the ICM has been adiabatically compressed behind the crossing "bullet" possibly because of shock heating, leading to a strong departure of the ICM from hydrostatic equilibrium in this region. Assuming that the mass estimated from the Y X proxy best indicates the overall mass of the system and that the western cluster sector is in approximate hydrostatic equilibrium before subcluster accretion, we infer a merger scenario between two subunits of mass ratio 1:4, leading to a present total system mass of M 500 1.9 × 10 15 M . Additional analysis of the spatially-separated northern subcluster A2163-B does not show any evidence of strong interaction with the main cluster A2163-A, leading us to infer that the physical distance separating the northern subcluster and the main component is longer than the projected separation of these components. The exceptional properties of A2163 present various similarities with those of 1E0657-56, the so-called "bullet-cluster". These similarities are likely to be related to a comparable merger scenario.