In this study we assessed to what extent data on the subject of TPPR (transfer, persistence, prevalence, recovery) that are obtained through an older STR typing kit can be used in an activity-level evaluation for a case profiled with a more modern STR kit. Newer kits are generally more sensitive and consist of more loci which could increase the evidential value at the source-level. On the other hand, the increased genotyping information may invoke a higher number of contributors in weight of evidence calculations, which could affect the evidential values as well. An activity scenario well explored in earlier studies [1,2] was redone using volunteers with known DNA profiles. DNA extracts were analyzed with three different approaches, namely using the optimal DNA input for 1) an older and 2) a newer STR typing system, and 3) using a standard, volume-based input combined with replicate PCR analysis with only the newer STR kit. The genotyping results were analyzed for various aspects such as percentage detected alleles and relative peak height contribution for background and the contributors known to be involved in the activity. Next, source-level LRs were calculated and the same trends were observed with regards to inclusionary and exclusionary LRs for persons who had or had not been into direct contact with the sampled areas. We subsequently assessed the impact on the outcome of activity-level evaluation in an exemplary case by applying the assigned probabilities to a Bayesian network. We infer that data of different STR kits can be combined in activity-level evaluations.