All organisms grow. Numerous growth functions have been applied to a wide taxonomic range of organisms, yet some of these models have poor fits to empirical data and lack of flexibility in capturing variation in growth rate. We propose a new VBGF framework that broadens the applicability and increases flexibility of fitting growth curves. This framework offers a curve-fitting procedure for five parameterisations of the VBGF: these allow for different body-size scaling exponents for anabolism (biosynthesis potential), besides the commonly assumed 2/3 power scaling, and allow for supraexponential growth, which is at times observed. This procedure is applied to twelve species of diverse aquatic invertebrates, including both pelagic and benthic organisms. We reveal widespread variation in the body-size scaling of biosynthesis potential and consequently growth rate, ranging from isomorphic to supra-exponential growth. This curve-fitting methodology offers improved growth predictions and applies the VBGF to a wider range of taxa that exhibit variation in the scaling of biosynthesis potential. Applying this framework results in reliable growth predictions that are important for assessing individual growth, population production and ecosystem functioning, including in the assessment of sustainability of fisheries and aquaculture. Body size is a fundamental characteristic of all organisms. Body size has received much attention from biologists owing to its widespread covariation with a plethora of ecological and evolutionary functions and physiological traits 1-9. Understanding growth (i.e. the changes in body size over time) is fundamental to many areas of biology, as well as being crucial for industries based on animal and plant production. Accurate growth predictions are fundamental to aquaculture and production industries, for example, over-or underestimating species growth will result in unreliable predictions of production and hence revenue and profit for producers 10. For example, modelling the growth rates of farmed tiger prawns, Penaeus monodon, under varying environmental conditions including temperature and pond age, allows for predictions of production rates, and hence profitability, in new farming locations 11. Moreover, gaining knowledge of growth parameters can help to inform management plans, which are required for effective conservation management of target species in aquaculture or reducing pressure on natural populations 12. For example, growth models have predicted parameter values associated with slow growth and long lifespan in Stichopus vastus which has helped inform restrictions on catch quotas to allow natural populations to recover 13. In addition, understanding growth dynamics has been shown to be important for bivalve species in aquaculture and their use in mitigating eutrophication in coastal areas, for example, gaining accurate growth predictions of soft tissue can help the efficiency of mussel production that is required for eutrophic coastal waters 14. Methods for fitting growth curves to em...