to the serious economic losses and deaths caused by COVID-19,
the modeling and control of such a pandemic has become a hot research
topic. This paper finds an analogy between a polymerization reaction
and COVID-19 transmission dynamics, which will provide a novel perspective
to optimal control measures. Susceptible individuals, exposed people,
infected cases, recovered population, and the dead can be assumed
to be specific molecules in the polymerization system. In this paper,
a hypothetical polymerization reactor is constructed to describe the
transmission of an epidemic, and its kinetic parameters are regressed
by the least-squares method. The intensity of social distancing u is considered to the mixing degree of the reaction system,
and contact tracing and isolation ρ can be regarded as an external
circulation in the main reactor to reduce the concentration of active
species. Through these analogies, this model can predict the peak
infection, deaths, and end time of the epidemic under different control
measures to support the decision-making process. Without any measures
(u = 1.0 and ρ = 0), more than 90% of the population
would be infected. It takes several years to complete herd immunity
by nonpharmacological intervention when the proportion of deaths is
limited to less than 5%. However, vaccination can reduce the time
to tens to hundreds of days, which is related to the maximum number
of vaccines per day.