On the way to the smart education in the cloud: The experience of using a virtual learning environment and webinars in educational and career guidance process AIP Conference Proceedings 1797, 020009 (2017) Abstract. The considered method of learning the basics of microelectronic circuits and systems amplifier enables one to understand electrical processes deeper, to understand the relationship between static and dynamic characteristics and, finally, bring the learning process to the cognitive process. The scheme of problem-based learning can be represented by the following sequence of procedures: the contradiction is perceived and revealed; the cognitive motivation is provided by creating a problematic situation (the mental state of the student), moving the desire to solve the problem, to raise the question "why?", the hypothesis is made; searches for solutions are implemented; the answer is looked for. Due to the complexity of architectural schemes in the work the modern methods of computer analysis and synthesis are considered in the work. Examples of engineering by students in the framework of students' scientific and research work of analog circuits with improved performance based on standard software and software developed at the Department of Microelectronics MEPhI.