Recent high throughput omics technology has been used to assemble large biomedical omics datasets. Clustering of single omics data has proven invaluable in biomedical research. For the task of patient sub-classification, all the available omics data should be utilized combinedly rather than treating them individually. Clustering of multi-omics datasets has the potential to reveal deep insights. Here, we propose a late integration based multiobjective multi-view clustering algorithm which uses a special perturbation operator. Initially, a large number of diverse clustering solutions (called base partitionings) are generated for each omic dataset using four clustering algorithms, viz., k means, complete linkage, spectral and fast search clustering. These base partitionings of multi-omic datasets are suitably combined using a special perturbation operator. The perturbation operator uses an ensemble technique to generate new solutions from the base partitionings. The optimal combination of multiple partitioning solutions across different views is determined after optimizing the objective functions, namely
-XB, for checking the quality of partitionings for different views, and agreement index, for checking agreement between the views. The search capability of a multiobjective simulated annealing approach, namely AMOSA is used for this purpose. Lastly, the non-dominated solutions of the different views are combined based on similarity to generate a single set of non-dominated solutions. The proposed algorithm is evaluated on 13 multi-view cancer datasets. An elaborated comparative study with several baseline methods and five state-of-the-art models is performed to show the effectiveness of the algorithm.