H. Comparison of different methods IV. Interferometry A. Superconducting circuits B. Semiconductor quantum dots C. Donors and impurities (atomic qubits) D. Graphene E. Microscopic systems F. Other systems G. Multilevel systems V. Quantum control A. Coherent control of microscopic and mesoscopic structures B. Universal single-and two-qubit control C. Shortcuts to adiabaticity D. Adiabatic quantum computation VI. Related classical coherent phenomena VII. Conclusion 1. With near-adiabatic limit (Landau) 2. With parabolic cylinder functions (Zener) 3. With contour integrals (Majorana) 4. With WKB approximation and phase integral method (Stückelberg) 5. Duration of the LZSM transition B. Description of a periodically driven two-level system 1. Adiabatic-impulse model a. Adiabatic evolution b. Multiple-passage evolution 2. Rotating-wave approximation (RWA) 3. Floquet theory 4. Rate equation and white noise approach a. Transition rate b. Rate equation c. From Bessel to Airy d. Double-passage regime
ReferencesAbbreviations and most-often-used symbols Because this review article is quite long, for the readers' convenience, we present the main abbreviations used. This list also includes some of the topics covered.