Cyber Threat Intelligence helps organisations make the right decisions in their fight against cyber threats and strategically design their defences by continuously providing information regarding the cyber threat landscape. In this context, honeypots are a widespread solution for gathering intelligence about threat actors. However, honeypots do not inherently provide information about the origin of threat groups, their resources, capabilities and their impact. Thus, we propose an approach that classifies threats, as highly or less abusive, based on their behaviour characteristics using four ensemble machine learning algorithms applied on security incidents identified in a rule-based manner on a deployed honeypot. After prepossessing and hyper-tuning of the parameters, the four models, Adaptive Boosting Classifier (AdaBoost), Random Forest Classifier (RFC), Light Gradient Boosting Machine (LGBM) and Extreme Gradient Boosting (XGBoost), achieve good results, with RFC and LGBM achieving the best recall (84%, 83%) and LGBM and XGB the best AUC (91%, 90%).