Abstract. Shock Control Bump (SCB) reduces the wave drag in transonic ight. To control the boundary layer separation and to reduce the wave drag for two transonic airfoils, RAE-2822 and NACA-64A010, we investigate the application of two ow control methods, i.e. suction and blowing, to add them to the SCB. An adjoint gradient-based optimization algorithm is used to nd the optimum shape and location of SCB. The performance of both Hybrid Suction/SCB (HSS) and Hybrid Blowing/SCB (HBS) is a function of the sucked or injected mass ow rate and their position. A parametric study is performed to nd the near optimum values of the aerodynamic coe cients and e ciency. A RANS solver is validated and used for this ow analysis. Using HSS method, the aerodynamic e ciencies of these two airfoils are increased by, respectively, 8.6% and 3.9%, in comparison to the airfoils with optimized bumps. For HBS con guration, improvements are respectively 13.5% and 9.0%. The best non-dimensional mass ow rate for suction is found to be around 0.003 for both airfoils, and for blowing this is about 0.0025 for RAE-2822 airfoil and about 0.002 for NACA-64A010. The best locations for suction and blowing are found to be, respectively, right before and after the SCB.