Downloaded From: on 08/17/2015 Terms of Use: Assessment of optical freeform surface error in tilted-wave-interferometer by combining computer-generated wave method and retrace errors elimination algorithm Abstract. As is well-known, optical testing has begun to emerge as a limiting factor in the application of freeform surfaces. In all kinds of published freeform optical metrology, the tilted-wave-interferometer (TWI) is the precise and flexible method for testing a freeform surface as it can compensate the local surface's deviation from its best fit sphere by using a set of tilted waves. In the process of measurement with TWI, accurate assessment of the test surface error from the fringes plays a key role. We present a method for evaluation and characterization of surface aberrations in TWI by combining computer-generated wave technology and a retrace errors elimination algorithm. The feasibility of the method is proved by the simulation and experimental results.